Fairphone 2

Fairphone are on a mission: disrupt the mobile phone sector. No big deal, right? Whilst this may seems like a massive feat,  competing with the Apples and Samsungs of the world,  they’re totally doing it. With 60,000 phones of their first model sold – many of which were pre-ordered with a long wait time – it’s obvious… Continue reading Fairphone 2


“There’s this really smart scientist guy who said that people can learn a lot from dogs. He said that when someone you love walks through the door, even if it’s five times a day you should go totally insane with joy”.  For the next seven minutes do nothing but watch this film. It’s beautiful.

The Things You Already Own

This video is worth 27 minutes and 53 seconds of your time. It’s more than a story about a brand doing something differently. It’s the story of a way of being; a life with more. At a time of year where we are bombarded with messaging about buying and needing to own the latest and… Continue reading The Things You Already Own

‘Made With’ by John Grant

John Grant is one of my heroes. He is a brilliant brand strategist, ideas generator and in the words of my boss Naresh, he’s a “one man think tank”. He is truly inspiring. When I did my masters, John’s book The New Marketing Manifesto was on my required reading list at London School of Economics. Through… Continue reading ‘Made With’ by John Grant