Moving the Goalposts

For International Women’s Day, the amazing folks at Girls on Film are putting on an evening of female football films, including the cult classic Bend it Like Beckham. There’s also a panel discussion where I’ll be speaking about the Laces, alongside documentary film maker Fleur Cousens who’ll be talking about her latest project Who Moved… Continue reading Moving the Goalposts

How can we get more women in the creative industry?

Woman are underrepresented in the creative industry. Study upon study shows gaps in pay; job function; seniority … I work at Nice and Serious. As  a studio of 17 in London and 3 in New York, we have 6 women. 3 are in project management roles, 2 creatives and one in senior management. Whilst we are… Continue reading How can we get more women in the creative industry?

Hackney Laces is Five

Five years ago today, Hackney Laces was born. Back then we had no idea what we were doing. I knew that my neighbourhood needed a football team for the high number of teenage girls that wanted to play. And I knew that I could find some space and rally together some friends to get involved.… Continue reading Hackney Laces is Five

Show Andiamo Some Love

Andiamo needs your help. The tiny London based social venture is running a campaign on Indiegogo to raise the money needed to prototype their idea. Andiamo’s mission is to make 3D printed orthotics for children in a matter of days. In the current healthcare system it takes weeks, if not months for this. And during this time circumstances may… Continue reading Show Andiamo Some Love