
There are some services that that just make sense. Uber, for example, makes booking taxis effortless. Airbnb makes finding accommodation anywhere in the world incredibly simple. And now, TaskRabbit joins the list of companies that make life easier with a clever bit of tech.

Why You Should Smile At Your Bus Driver

Being a bus driver in London is a tough gig. A earlier this year, a report was released revealing the high numbers of abuse bus drivers receive. Whilst the majority verbal abuse, around a thousand recorded each year, the second biggest threat was physical abuse. That’s crazy. Imagine someone attacking you for simply trying to do your… Continue reading Why You Should Smile At Your Bus Driver

YTFN’s 5th Birthday Bash

  Tell all your friends! The Funding Network is turning five and they’re having a party. And, I’ve just found out that Hackney Laces will be one of the three projects listed above, pitching for funding. I’m both nervous and excited and would really love to have some familiar faces in the crowd, so please do… Continue reading YTFN’s 5th Birthday Bash

And the Winner is Tap.

Bottled water is one of my biggest bugbears. In countries where drinking water is accessible, free and treated to a high quality standard, there isn’t a need to drink bottled water – especially when in some cases it’s just filtered tap water. Some fine establishments, like Tokyo in London’s Chinatown have embraced the tap and… Continue reading And the Winner is Tap.