29 Posters for the Planet

This month Do The Green Thing in collaboration with WWF UK and Pentagram have launched 29 Posters for a Planet, a collection of inspiring posters made by world class creatives in support of Earth Hour. Earth Hour is the world’s largest mass participation event, where people switch their lights off between 8:30-9:30pm on March 29th… Continue reading 29 Posters for the Planet

The Things You Already Own

This video is worth 27 minutes and 53 seconds of your time. It’s more than a story about a brand doing something differently. It’s the story of a way of being; a life with more. At a time of year where we are bombarded with messaging about buying and needing to own the latest and… Continue reading The Things You Already Own

Bicycles, Bouquets and Bees, oh MY!

Ignoring the small matter that is my deathly allergy to bee stings, Petalon is my kind of business. It’s a brilliant combination of local, sustainable and beautiful. For just £20, Petalon offers people a lovely bunch of flowers sourced from the Flower Market based on what is freshest and in season and then they get delivered… Continue reading Bicycles, Bouquets and Bees, oh MY!

Conscious Consumption in the Capital

This week sees the launch of London’s first ever Good and Green Guide – a carefully curated guide book that helps visitors and residents of London navigate their way around in a sustainable fashion. It’s timely for London as millions of visitors will be coming into town for the upcoming Olympic games and they’ll be able… Continue reading Conscious Consumption in the Capital

The Search for Second-hand Clothes

Inspired by the lovely Liv (@theendofthenew) I decided 2012 would be the start of me buying as few new clothes as possible. Women in the UK waste £1.6 billion on clothes they’ll never wear and 1.2 million tonnes of this goes to landfill. Not so good for wallets or the environment. In my bid to… Continue reading The Search for Second-hand Clothes