
What’s the longest you’ve had to wait for something? Was it even worth waiting for? This simple idea, rooted in human behaviour is so impactful because it makes you think about what really matters. Since c. 2008, I’ve had an idea that you could use tech to facilitate organ donation. Not in a sinister black market… Continue reading Waiting

Fairphone 2

Fairphone are on a mission: disrupt the mobile phone sector. No big deal, right? Whilst this may seems like a massive feat,  competing with the Apples and Samsungs of the world,  they’re totally doing it. With 60,000 phones of their first model sold – many of which were pre-ordered with a long wait time – it’s obvious… Continue reading Fairphone 2


In my last year of highschool, some friends and I volunteered at a soup kitchen in downtown Hamilton. One evening I served a man who said  “You can only be sure of two things in life: one, you need to eat and two, you’re going to die. So be sure that when you’re older you work in… Continue reading OLIO

Useful and free digital tools

Born from requests from friends, clients and collaborators, I’ve compiled a resource that lists some of the best free online tools to use for publishing, social media, measurement and market analysis. There are *so* many companies providing services and my list is not an exhaustive one. It’s just some tools that I find useful in the… Continue reading Useful and free digital tools

Writing About Writing

Recently, I’ve been working on a few different writing projects. Only 15 days in to October, I’ve written more than 60,000 words this month. That’s six times the length of my dissertation. Wowza. In writing so much I have come across a couple of tools that have transformed the way I work and the way I edit… Continue reading Writing About Writing