Writing About Writing

Recently, I’ve been working on a few different writing projects. Only 15 days in to October, I’ve written more than 60,000 words this month. That’s six times the length of my dissertation. Wowza. In writing so much I have come across a couple of tools that have transformed the way I work and the way I edit… Continue reading Writing About Writing


Over the past year there’s been a lot of hype around Medium, the new publishing platform set up by Twitter co-founders Evan Williams and Biz Stone. Like most people, I too was a bit dubious at the start. Just what the world needs – another blogging platform. But then I started reading stories on it.… Continue reading Medium


(Card from Print Smitten on Etsy) For years my sister had a special word on reserve for moments when it’d been a while since I’d eaten. Hangry. The combination of being hungry and angry. Anger caused by hunger. Hangry is an example of portmanteau: the joining of two words to create a new one, with… Continue reading Portmanteau

A Year in the Life of Hackney Laces

This week we released Hackney Laces’s Annual report. As a community club, transparency and honesty are at the core of what we do. We have made mistakes; we’ve had incredible luck; and most importantly, we’ve learned and grown as individuals and as a club. An annual review will never fully capture all that we do but… Continue reading A Year in the Life of Hackney Laces

Don’t Eat Ants (And 59 Other Things Mum Taught Us)

Today my mum turns 60. For months my sister and I tried decide what we should do for her. What sort of gift or gesture would do justice everything she has done for us, our family, friends and the community. Our mum is an incredibly modest woman. She is never boastful, never seeking attention or… Continue reading Don’t Eat Ants (And 59 Other Things Mum Taught Us)

The Rules of Spooning

Spooning. The art of a horizontal cuddle. Spooning is not limited to two people. Spoon trains are common whereby a group of people cuddle each other in a line. Spooning also is not limited by gender, size, shape or age. Parents can spoon children, friends can spoon friends, children can spoon their grandparents and so forth.… Continue reading The Rules of Spooning


This week saw the launch of the UK’s first conservation credit scheme. Conservation credits work very similar to carbon offsetting. If an area of land or water is to be developed, the developers can offset their impact by buying credits in biodiversity. Areas of biodiversity will then get developed in designated locations. Biobanking is becoming… Continue reading Biobanking