This is what a footballer looks like

Over the past 6 months, Hackney Laces has been working with Sisterhood, a brilliant social enterprise that builds confidence in young women, and London Football Journeys, a charity that uses film and football to strengthen communities. Through workshops and co-design sessions, Sisterhood has worked with the girls teaching them how to film and edit. And,… Continue reading This is what a footballer looks like

Meet Hackney Laces

I’d like to introduce you to Hackney Laces, a group of fabulous young women I have theĀ privilegeĀ of spending time with. Speaking of fabulous women, the super talented and painfully modest Zoe Quirk made this video for us. In her spare time she edited hours of footage to make this little video as an introduction to… Continue reading Meet Hackney Laces

Hackney’s Newest Football Club

Beginning November 1st, I started a 7 week pilot for the project formerly known as ‘Just Another Football Club‘. It took me a while to decide where I wanted to run the pilot – more importantly, which area lacked sport and community based opportunities for young women (between the ages of 13-17). I met with… Continue reading Hackney’s Newest Football Club

Just Another Football Club

Since November 2010 I’ve had an idea brewing in my head. Often obsessing and sometimes losing sleep over it, this summer I finally got my act together and pitched it to Unltd (a fund for social entrepreneurs) for some start-up cash but mostly for something to kick me into action. So (drumroll please) this is… Continue reading Just Another Football Club