Crimes Against the Environment

When I was a kid, my sister and I used to love Red Truck Tuesday. It was the day when a special red rubbish truck would go around the neighbourhood and collect peoples big unwanted items to divert them from landfill. Missy and I used to find all sorts of treasures just siting on the curb, including one of these:

Fisher Price Car

In my London neighbourhood, Hackney, a similar thing happens, where a truck will come around and collect bulky unwanted items and then put them into a reuse scheme.

The borough in which I work runs things *a bit* differently. Firstly, the service has a charge. Secondly, if unwanted bulky items are left out on the curb, the offending items get labeled with a notice of a ‘environmental crime scene’.

Environmental Crime Scene

Apparently Kensington and Chelsea Council has a sense of humour. And it probably has a less effective reuse scheme than Hackney.

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