Farms, Hearts and Gardens

Zan Barberton, a documentary cinematographer and director has spent the last year trying to capture the magic of city farms in London. In a beautiful 26 minute documentary, Zan has shown the incredible stories and people that keep these farms alive and such an important part of the community.  Last year when Hackney Laces was volunteering… Continue reading Farms, Hearts and Gardens

Meet Hackney Laces

I’d like to introduce you to Hackney Laces, a group of fabulous young women I have the privilege of spending time with. Speaking of fabulous women, the super talented and painfully modest Zoe Quirk made this video for us. In her spare time she edited hours of footage to make this little video as an introduction to… Continue reading Meet Hackney Laces

Just Another Football Club

Since November 2010 I’ve had an idea brewing in my head. Often obsessing and sometimes losing sleep over it, this summer I finally got my act together and pitched it to Unltd (a fund for social entrepreneurs) for some start-up cash but mostly for something to kick me into action. So (drumroll please) this is… Continue reading Just Another Football Club

London 2012

Last week I went to a fabulous event, put on by The School of Research and my friend Charlie Tims. For the past year, Charlie has been working on a project with A New Direction’s Biggest Learning Opportunity on Earth programme (Biglop), which brings together artists and cultural organisations with schools across London to explore… Continue reading London 2012

Sharing is good. We should all share more.

Yesterday I went to a fabulous workshop put on by Waste Watch on shared community assets. It was basically a room full of people all doing great things in their communities, encouraging principles of “collaborative consumption‘ and a better use and allocation of resources. I learned some really interesting things, like how people prefer higher… Continue reading Sharing is good. We should all share more.

A Little Gem In The Heart Of Dalston

Last week I went to the Print House to meet Les, from East London Food Access project (a fabulous organisation) and have a chat about work related things. I spent waaaaaay to much time there, one, because Les and I couldn’t’ stop talking and two, because the building is such an exceptional place. Loveliness in… Continue reading A Little Gem In The Heart Of Dalston