Greatest Good

Greatest Good is really lovely example of 21st century giving. The web platform offers anyone expert advice from inspiring, smart people in exchange for donations to charities of their choosing. Set up by a group of friends who work in tech, media and marketing, the platform offers access to a huge range of advisors spanning loads of… Continue reading Greatest Good

A better way of giving

  The holiday season has become saturated with stuff. Shiny, new, novel stuff. Increasingly so, the spirit of giving gets lost in a consumption–driven, sale seeking madness, fuelled by cheap chocolate and festive flavoured hot drinks. We forget that a huge part of Christmas is generosity.

Bloody Loyalty

I’ve met some fiercely loyal supporters of football clubs. Ones that have tattoos of, have named children after, and would do just about anything for their club. Intense. And emosh. This begs the question: what would you do for your club? Would you give some blood? (I would)

Gary Neville, you legend.

As certain teammates of footballer Gary Neville make headlines for their off the pitch activities, not limited to failed super injunctions and hookups with prostitutes, Neville is currently in the spotlight (and worthy of it) for some of the good he’s done and for his imminent retirement from professional football. Neville, who has the most… Continue reading Gary Neville, you legend.