30 Reasons

30 reasons is a month long email poster campaign that aims to encourage people to vote for Obama. This is one of my favourite amongst the lot, although there are *so* many great ones. Well done 30 reasons for helping re-elect President Obama. What a relief that is.

Limited Leave to Remain …

I’m not having a great time navigating my way through UK immigration (read: it’s ridiculously unorganised and contradictory). Legally, I’m allowed to remain in the UK by exercising treaty rights as a family member of someone who is from the European Economic Area. The process for me to apply has been a farce. It’s amazing how… Continue reading Limited Leave to Remain …

Categorized as Policy


This week saw the launch of the UK’s first conservation credit scheme. Conservation credits work very similar to carbon offsetting. If an area of land or water is to be developed, the developers can offset their impact by buying credits in biodiversity. Areas of biodiversity will then get developed in designated locations. Biobanking is becoming… Continue reading Biobanking