There’s a proverb that gets used a lot in community development: “give a man a fish and you’ll feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you’ll feed him for a lifetime.” Canadian based company Lucky Iron Fish inadvertently subvert this saying with their simple yet life-changing tool – a fish capable of supplying a family with 75% of their daily iron intake. By purchasing one lucky iron fish, two families in Cambodia will be given a fish of their own to drop into a pot whilst cooking, facilitating the release of iron into their meal.
Made from iron melted into the shape of a fish, a symbol representing good luck, the tool has had a huge impact on communities in Cambodia through not only increased iron levels, but also through education, awareness and empowerment. It’s a shining example of how social entrepreneurship can solve a persistent global health issue. From earning B Corp status to winning a number of prestigious accolades, Lucky Iron Fish is on track to change the world. So go on, buy a man a fish (he’ll have sufficient iron intake for five years).