Our oceans are filled with plastic. Plastic that comes from the products we buy, carrier bags we dispose of and materials we discard.
Companies, both big and small have the choice to act and be proactive about the role they play in polluting the seas. Sadly few do.
Insert method: a lovely little soap American soap company.
method have made it a priority to increase their customer’s awareness about pollution in the oceans whilst also being clever by using and reusing the very plastic that is polluting the oceans. Later this year, method will launch their ‘sea minerals’ soap into the world, in a bottle made partially from plastic that their staff and volunteers have found combing beaches. The entire bottle will be made from recycled materials and at least 10% of that will have come from gathered ocean debris. Very cool.
method also possesses a whole host of other green credentials including: selling refill packs for their products so that customers can reuse the plastic bottles they already own, using all natural and renewable ingredients in their products and by using clever design to minimise waste.
I also quite like their ‘humanifesto‘. So few brands publicly communicate what they stand for, let alone live up to. I’m well impressed.
*Note: I should mention here that I don’t work for method, nor does anyone I know. And I haven’t been paid to write this. I don’t really believe in advertorials on my blog. I came across this article on Unconsumption on my RSS feed and decided to dig deeper and read all about method and their methods. And I decided I like them very much. That’s all.