Blog Action Day 2012: The Power of We

10 years ago, Facebook was still an idea and Google wasn’t used as a verb. Encyclopaedias lived in libraries, and tweet was the sound a bird made.

And now, the internet more so than any other platform in the past decade has changed the way we connect to the world, how we do business, receive and share information and so much more. It has even saved lives.

For Blog Action Day this year (a day where bloggers all over the world write for a cause), the theme is ‘the Power of We’. With the help of the internet we can now make a difference in ways we couldn’t in the past. We can now mobilise millions of people to support causes. We can crowdfund. And share energy. And the list goes on.

To fall in line with this year’s theme I thought it would only be appropriate for to help others to be the ‘we’ and be a part of something. So I’ve found five things you can do with a click of a mouse. Easy peasy.

1. Save the Arctic.

2. Stop land grabs.

3. Share GOOD inspiration with your friends.

4. Support a project that could change peoples’ lives.

5. Pledge to make difference – and then get others to join you.

To find out more about Blog Action Day, how you can get involved and to see some lovely posts, visit:


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