Swap Shop

Nice jeans, eh? I inherited them last week at a clothes swap at Green Thing HQ. Inspired by The End of The New, a fashion conscious experiment in not buying new clothes, I thought it would be fun to get a bunch of friends and colleagues in the same room with bags of old clothes and swap around. And that’s exactly what happened last Wednesday evening.

I also managed to bag this lovely yellow terrycloth Lacoste dress. Perfect for the beach.

It was amazing sharing experiences of our wardrobes and stories about just how much stuff we all owned but either never wore, wore until it went out of fashion or wore it thin. I think most people walked away pleased with their ‘new’ items of clothing and hopefully we will all think a bit more before we buy throwaway fashion. Even though it’s cheap and accessible, I’ve found that clothes that have a history and have been loved are the best. With swap parties because everything is valued the same, you end up coming away with things you may have never worn before and you become a bit more creative about what you wear and how you wear it.

There are plenty of places to swap clothes with people online, like The Big Wardrobe and Posh Swaps. And, if you’re really keen just organise one of your own. No experience necessary!

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